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Thank You For Visiting Fun English. Fun English is open to teens and children from all over the world. Students can learn english language the fun way just by following various ways and techniques in Fun English!

Learning English at Quiznet

>> Sunday, July 18, 2010

BBC Learning English is a website which creates materials for teachers and students in English Language Teaching & Learning. Students can learn English just by go online to the website. BBC Learning English provides free online exercises for students and materials for English Language Teaching for teachers. As for students, there are varities of grammar categories can be chosen. Not only that, but students can test their vocabulary and even pronunciation just by doing exercises at BBC Learning English! It's free! Who wouldn't love free stuff? Figure below shows one of the exercises which i've picked. The category is on Phrasal Verbs.

When you are done with the exercises, simply click the 'check answer' button. Get yourself improved by repeating the exercises or advanced yourself to a higher level when you have succed in the first exercise! Remember, practise makes perfect!

What are you waiting for? Click here


Vocabulary Using Cartoon - Easiest Way To Learn English!

Despite having textbook as our primary references in learning and teaching english, we could use english comics as one of teaching aids. In fact, a student could simply pick an english comic to read or even go online to read comics with laughter and joy! Learn in a fun way as our brain will find it much easier to remember pictures and colours and therefore will be able to remember FACTS and IDEAS that go with them.

Read weekly cartoon for FREE at here


The Use Of Mind Mapping

>> Saturday, July 17, 2010

Recently, the spread of English Language is rampant all over the world. No doubt that we are living in the world of globalization. Therefore, english language is very common and is spoken in many countries. Wherever you go and wherever you are english would be the medium of communication in most countries. It is used for everything from international academic conference, news to the world of entertainment that is popular music lyric. As we have seen, English is a widespread and important language of the world today. Therefore, being a student or a malaysian we should to the very least learn to speak the proper English. How to learn English?

There many ways and techniques of learning Enligsh. Remember our brain works with colors. Most revision is boring because we do it in a way that is boring for our amazing, creative and powerful brains. We got bored by reading lists and lines of black words on white pages, with no exciting pictures or colours to tempt the imagination or excite the eye. What our brains really crave is colour and excitement. Therefore, Mind Mapping will make your revision a breeze.

How much can you remember about grammar? Plenty! And what helps you remember so much about it? Yes! The colours you chose and the pictures you drew on your mind map helpd your brain to remember things! Your brain just loves all that cool visual stuffs!


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